Build Traffic, Subscribers, and
Credibility Through Fast, Easy Writing!

Use our proven guest posting system to grow your audience and business, even if you’re starting from scratch, nobody knows who you are, and you aren’t comfortable with writing!

Chris Brogan

Danny Iny and his organization are an utterly thorough and high-quality team of people delivering excellent products. I love sending people to Danny and team because I know they’re in good hands and will come out the other end super smart and ready to tackle the world.

Chris Brogan
Sean Platt

Danny Iny is a fantastic teacher, a brilliant entrepreneur, and exactly the type of guy I'd love to have on my team (if I couldn't have him leading it).

Sean Platt
Mary Jaksch

Danny Iny’s brilliant vision of how to go from zero to hero online has made him into one of the most influential players in the marketing arena today. I love the fact that Danny remains unfailingly helpful and generous despite his meteoric success.

Mary Jaksch

Let’s Face It – Writing Matters!

Something funny happened when the internet went mainstream.

People predicted that the printed word would die. Books you hold in your hand with pages you turn will go out of style. And people will stop reading.

But now that we use the internet everywhere, guess what?

We’re reading more than ever!

With every piece of information, factoid, and solution at our fingertips, we want even more.

Need a recipe to use the salmon and spinach in your refrigerator? Fix that knocking sound the dryer makes? Find the most exotic places you can travel and still have internet access?

The answers are just a Google search away.

And you’re not satisfied with just one answer, are you? You read 3, 5, 10 answers until you find the best one. Or until you’re quite the expert yourself.

As you can imagine, when there’s a demand for things to read, there a demand for… writing!

Somebody’s got to write all that information.

danny-desk-1200x-And you know what I’ve discovered? If you write the most interesting, helpful, and shareable information—and get eyeballs on it—good things happen.

I stumbled upon this by accident.

Like every other owner of a new online business, I tried everything: search engine optimization, social media, paid ads, you name it.

But the only time I got any remarkable results was when I started guest posting.
At first, my guest posts brought only a small trickle of traffic to my site. Which wasn’t bad because previously, it was zero.

But it was enough to motivate me to write 84 guest posts in 10 months!

The traffic from my guest posts snowballed, until my site was getting 16,000 pageviews a month, and my mailing list grew from 0 to over 3,000 subscribers!

I was published on:

asseenPeople asked to interview me on their blogs and podcasts. And I earned the nickname, “Freddy Krueger of blogging,” because I seemed to be everywhere.

I even got the likes of Guy Kawasaki, Mitch Joel, Mark Schaefer, Randy Komisar, Derek Halpern, and Brian Clark to contribute to my book, Engagement from Scratch!.

I finally had what I needed to make my online business succeed: an audience.

My audience told me what their challenges were and which solutions they wanted. I merely listened and created what they were clamoring for. Thanks to my audience, I began producing blockbuster programs.

That, in a nutshell, is how Mirasee (formerly Firepole Marketing) became the multiple-seven-figure, global company it is today.

And it all began with guest posting.

But Wait – Isn’t Guest Posting “Done Like Dinner”?

All that happened five years ago, which you know is like a thousand years in internet time.

So you might be thinking, “Sure, Danny, guest posting worked great for you way back when, but does it still work?”

If you listen to what some people say about guest blogging, it’s easy to believe guest posting is just about “done like dinner.”

No less than Matt Cutts, while he was head of Google’s webspam team, declared that “if you’re doing a lot of guest blogging then you’re hanging out with really bad company.”


More recently, Tim Soulo, head of marketing at Ahrefs, analyzed the results of 239 guest posts by 400 bloggers. His conclusion? The ROI of guest blogging is not enough to make it worthwhile.

And you know what? I totally agree with them!

First off, Matt Cutts was talking about using guest posting to get backlinks to “low quality or spam sites.” So he’s right.

Guest blogging as a spammy SEO tactic is never a good idea. I don’t recommend it.

As for Tim Soulo’s findings, they just go to show that no strategy works all the time.

For every person like me who’s had great success from guest posting, you’ll probably find at least five people who failed at it. Why is that?

Assuming the strategy is sound, it takes both skill and effort to make it work.

Remember how Tim approached 400 bloggers? And yet, he collected the results of only 239 guest blog posts. Not a very good sign of effort, is it?

I’m not saying guest posting has to be hard—we’ll talk about making it easier later on—but you do need to reach a critical mass for it to move the needle.

What Kind of Results Can You Get from Guest Posting?

Cutts himself says guest blogging is a good way to achieve “exposure, branding, increased reach, community, etc.”

And Soulo’s findings bear this out.

Even as he blasted the ROI of guest posting, Soulos also pointed out that it’s a great way to get second-hand search traffic, quality (not spammy) backlinks, exposure and credibility, valuable relationships, and monetary reward.

These results are not rare. Check this out:

Leo Widrich, co-founder of Buffer, said “Solely through guest blogging we’ve acquired around 100,000 users within the first 9 months of running Buffer.”

Neil Patel, founder of Kissmetrics, Crazy Egg, and QuickSprout, said on his blog in February 2016: “I’ve tried many different inbound marketing strategies, but guest blogging has remained my most treasured tool. QuickSprout wouldn’t have been as successful as it’s become if I’d neglected guest blogging.”

He goes as far as to call guest blogging “the heartbeat of my digital business.”

Now you may be wondering about ordinary people like you, who are either new to guest blogging or have tried it but didn’t see results worth writing home about.

If so, meet some of our students:

I went from having no audience to having an audience. My blog now gets several thousand unique views per month, going up from almost no visitors prior to taking the course.

Rick Carlino, Mirasee student

I have had more visitors in the past month, then the past 5 months combined.

Anonymous, Mirasee student

I was just recently showcased in Huffington Post. I had been trying for years before to get into some of the top 10 media like that on my own, and boom, Danny just goes, ‘Here, you do this, this, and this,’ and there I was. That was pretty amazing.

Jennifer Leigh, Mirasee student

From beginners like our students, to online entrepreneurs like me and Ramit Sethi, to startups like HelpScout and Buffer, to big brands like Intel and Salesforce, businesses are using guest blogging to increase:

  • Web traffic
  • Brand awareness and exposure
  • Credibility

… all while forging relationships with influencers.

What’s the ROI of all that? Priceless!

Ready To Get More Visibility, Credibility, And Connections By Borrowing Other People’s Audiences? We’ll Show You How!

As we’ve seen earlier, guest blogging is a solid strategy, but there’s a right and a wrong way to do it.

If you’ve tried guest posting, but:

  • You keep getting rejected by the blogs you want to write for
  • You don’t get a lot of referral traffic from your guest posts
  • You get very few new email subscribers from your guest posts
  • You can’t write enough guest posts to achieve critical mass
  • You run out of ideas for what to write about

JHopkinson-DIny-Md… then we can help.

Write Like Freddy, our course on guest blogging, was our very first knockout course. It has graduated over 1,000 successful students.

But it was due for an update. So I reached out to Jim Hopkinson, Director of Courses at Mirasee, and together we took Write Like Freddy and not only updated it, but rebuilt it from the ground up to help solo entrepreneurs and small business owners to:

  • Follow a successful guest blogging strategy
  • Develop the skills necessary to guest post for results
  • Make guest posting as easy yet effective as possible—especially for non-writers

Jim brought in the guest posting tactics he used to land articles on:

asseen2The result: Standout Guest Posting!

What You’ll Learn in Standout Guest Posting

Standout Guest Posting is a self-paced, online training program on how to guest blog successfully.

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s in store for you in Standout Guest Posting:

Module 1. Lay the Groundwork

  • How guest blogging can build your business
  • How to find blogs to write for
  • How to leverage micro-networks for guest posting

Module 2. Craft the Angle, Headline, and Pitch

  • How to find juicy topics to write about
  • How to craft the perfect headlines that make host bloggers drool and readers click
  • The no-stress way to pitch to blogs so you almost always get a “yes!” and make a friend in the process (exact templates included)

Module 3. Follow the Proven Process

  • A simple structure to write guest posts that stand out from the competition, and at the same time makes writing easier and faster
  • How to write a byline that entices readers to click through to your website
  • How to enhance your post to take it from ho-hum to remarkable

Module 4. Optimize for Maximum Mileage

  • How to form and nurture relationships with peers and influencers
  • How to promote your guest posts
  • How to track and evaluate your guest posting success

Lessons are delivered through bite-sized online videos, and you can also download the written transcripts of them if you like.

And to help you implement what you’re learning, you’ll have worksheets, samples, and other resources.

Everything will be online. To access your lessons, you only need a computer and decent internet connection.

On top of the lessons, you also get:

  • Exclusive access to our Standout Guest Posting group in Facebook, where you can connect with your fellow students, post questions, share your challenges, and celebrate successes
  • An email “hotline” to submit your questions and send feedback

We provide a proven strategy and help you build the skills to execute it, while you provide the elbow grease. It’s everything you need to guest post and reap the rewards!

All That, And It Only Costs…


And because we want you to be completely happy with your decision, we’re letting you test-drive and evaluate the course for 14 days.

Enroll today, take the lessons, and download the worksheets and resources over the next two weeks. If you’re not blown away by what you see, let us know and we’ll return 100% of your money back—no questions asked.

You see, if you’re not happy, then we’re not happy, either!

BONUS: Make Back Your Investment In the Program!

When you enroll in Standout Guest Posting, you’ll immediately receive a directory of blogs that accept guest posts and those that pay for them.

So you can recover the cost of the program with a $200 guest post!

As you can see, we’ve taken away all the risk to make this choice a no-brainer:

But Wait, Will This Work For Me?

Listen. Jim and I created this course for anyone who wants to experience the life-changing benefits of guest posting.

You can be an aspiring blogger or a business owner who wants more traffic and exposure for your product.

Either way, Standout Guest Posting will help you succeed.

Just as it has helped so many of our students:

I did manage to land guest posts on John Chow, Build Direct and AOL Jobs.

Althaf A.

I just wanted to say THANK YOU! I had 171 people read my blog yesterday, that is almost 3 times as many as I have ever had. :)))

Steve B.

Well laid out Programme. I came away with many Tips, Templates and practical insights. Danny has captured valid points for online marketing and what really works. Whether you’re new to blogging, have a small community of followers, or already have an established audience, this Programme will help you to identify ways to implement your business mark in the crowded blogosphere.

Hana G.

The course will give you the low-down on how guest posting works, how to pitch to popular sites and the juiciest part… how to write your post to make it “meatier” than most of the things you can see on the web.


I can’t tell you enough how much I liked module 2. In the first 10 minutes of your video, you gave us a simple, yet highly effective tool to find blog topics. I can’t get over how easy it is to do and how dead on it is. I felt that just this module alone was worth every penny of your program.

Tania B.

And here’s what one of our students wrote in his guest post for Problogger:

As I see my posts getting better, the writing coming more easily, and my traffic increasing, my desire to post more has also returned with a vengeance. In the first week following the course, my list of post ideas has tripled and I now look forward to writing posts on my own blog.

Kraig Stewardson, IT Manager HQ

Our students have guest posted on:

asseen3… to name just a few!

Got Questions? Here Are The Answers


Q: Is writing really something that can be taught

A: Yes, absolutely. There’s a misconception about writing, where people think that you need to be magically inspired in order to write something good. The truth is that if you know what you’re doing, you can write consistently good stuff, even when you aren’t feeling inspired. In fact, some of my most successful posts on major blogs were written when I wasn’t feeling the least bit inspired, but just committed to a deadline and just had to get it done!

Q: Don’t you need relationships to guest post on big blogs

A: No, in most cases you absolutely don’t. It’s true that I had a relationship with Copyblogger before my guest post there, but almost all of my guest posts have been on blogs that I had no contact with before I reached out to them about guest posting there. It’s all about having the right approach and pitching the right kind of post, and that’s something that you can learn how to do.

Q: Can you get good at writing without years of practice?

A: You may not be able to write the great American novel, but I can pretty much guarantee that if you follow my process, you will be able to write solid, strong posts in a very short amount of time. Case in point – my friend Matt, who had never written much before (English isn’t even his first language!). He landed a guest post spot on the first major blog that he approached, and his guest post was good enough to get over 500 tweets and over 700 Facebook shares!

Q: How can I be sure that I won’t run out of things to write about?

A: There is never a shortage of stuff to write about, and coming up with ideas for new posts is something that I will teach you how to do. Don’t worry, it’s probably a lot easier than you think!

Q: When will I receive the lessons?

A: You’ll get the first lesson within minutes of signing up, so you can start learning right away. Each subsequent lesson is then unlocked as you complete the previous one, so you can go as fast or as slow as you want.

Q: What if I’m busy?

A: Each lesson is delivered via pre-recorded video. That means everything is recorded, and you can watch unlocked lessons whenever you want, with plenty of time to do your homework and actually write in between. And you get lifetime access, so you can take your time!

Q: I’m building my business on the side! What kind of time commitment will this require?

A: Probably a lot less than you think! If you can budget 3-4 hours per week, you can complete the course in four weeks. Or spread it out over a longer period of time, your choice. I do highly recommend setting aside a specific time each week to go through the course and complete the worksheets.

Q: I’m already enrolled in Write Like Freddy. Should I enroll in Standout Guest Posting, too?

A: No. As a Write Like Freddy student, you automatically get access to Standout Guest Posting. Watch your email for more details.

Q: Is there a guarantee? What if I’m not satisfied?

A: Yep – no questions asked, if you aren’t happy with what you get, you have 2 weeks to say so, and get your money back. If you aren’t 100% thrilled with what I teach you, I don’t want your money.

Remember, This Is NOT For Everyone

No course is perfect, and that includes Standout Guest Posting (although it comes pretty close!).

Before you get too excited, let’s take a step back and go over who this program is NOT for. Standout Guest Posting is NOT for you if:

  • You absolutely hate writing and refuse to learn how to write blog posts
  • You’re looking for spammy SEO tactics
  • You want to use guest posting to promote spammy websites
  • You only say you want more exposure, credibility, and contacts but you’re actually terrified of success

If any of these describe you, then go ahead and click away from the page. Standout Guest Posting won’t serve you.

But if you’re sitting there and you know you want to appear on influential blogs in your niche, then Standout Guest Posting is definitely for you!

But Danny, I Flunked English!

You don’t have to be a good writer…. You don’t have to enjoy writing…. You don’t have to be a native English speaker… And even if you flunked English class, you can become a star guest blogger.

You see, blog post writing is a whole lot different than English composition. It’s conversational. It’s informal. It can be quirky and fun. And you can get away with breaking the rules!

Here’s all you need to succeed with guest posting (check what applies to you):

  • a sincere desire to learn and keep improving
  • the drive to do the work
  • the hunger to reach a wider audience by sharing useful, relevant content

Did you check all the boxes? Then let’s go!

Here’s Everything You Get In Standout Guest Posting

To recap, here’s what you get when you enroll in Standout Guest Posting:

  • Access to online video lessons, with transcripts
  • Worksheets so you actually implement the lessons—and start seeing results—as you go through the course
  • Lists and links to resources to help make guest posting easier, faster, and more effective
  • Exclusive membership to the Standout Guest Posting group on Facebook
  • An email hotline where you will get a response within 24 hours (on weekdays)
  • A directory of blogs that accept guest bloggers and others that pay you to guest post

Jim and I share everything we’ve learned throughout the years about how to guest post the right way: the way that gets you more traffic, more subscribers, greater credibility, and wider connections.

We’re teaching you a solid strategy that worked for us, has worked for our students, and will keep working for many more internet years to come… because honest, quality guest posting is timeless.

Are you ready to go on this amazing journey?
To your future success and freedom,

Danny Iny

Danny's Signature

Danny Iny
Founder and CEO at Mirasee
Best-Selling Author of Engagement from Scratch!, The Audience Revolution, and Teach and Grow Rich
Creator of Audience Launchpad Intensive
PS: Jim and I are absolutely sure that Standout Guest Posting will result in a breakthrough for your business. But then, we’re biased. So we’ll let our past students tell you what they think:

I have grabbed up a series of four guest posts at Mogul Mom, one at a coupon/mom site, and one at Life… Your Way! Just the beginning. The 10 minute outline REALLY HELPS!

Selena M.

For me your gift is how you break each step down and literally show it step by step (which people say they will do but don’t often deliver on). As a newbie to this world, I get that I have to research blogs. The difference is your circles to explain “angle” and the Excel sheet with the columns – makes the light go on upstairs and I feel like the hours it will take will actually now result in something tangible….

Zivana A.

I’ve generated tons of new insights about writing and marketing online, as well as gained new peers to network with. It’s just a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I’m glad I did not miss!


Wow, good stuff here Danny. I now see your point about method and process. Love it… Definitely helpful in writing consistently good posts.

Eric W.

Your very clear, structured approach is perfect for a person like myself who, while conversant with the concept of blogging, is prone to getting sidetracked by the various approaches to blogging without having a particular target in mind. I really like your rapid-fire approach in the video, and your worksheets are dynamite!

Randall V.

My main issue before signing up was knowing where to start with guest posting and how to structure those guest posts. Danny provided a great program that addresses not only those aspects, but also taught me how to craft emails that work with pitching other people. I’m a better blogger because of this course.

Sam M.

What others say about us:

Guy Kawasaki

Danny and his team bring a high level of insight, knowledge, and integrity to the online business world.

Guy Kawasaki
Ben Settle

My business has grown exponentially since implementing Danny’s audience-building (instead of just building a “list”) advice and tips over the past year and a half. It changed the whole game for me, and I can’t recommend him enough.

Ben Settle
Josh Turner

Danny Iny is one of the smartest minds in the online marketing space, and I’m fortunate to count him as a mentor and friend.

Josh Turner
Michael Port

Danny and his team are a model of professionalism and quality. Anyone who’s serious about online marketing should be following what they’re doing.

Michael Port
Ryan Levesque

When it comes to building your audience and designing online courses, Danny Iny is one of few experts I trust and personally follow—and someone I recommend all my customers follow as well.

Ryan Levesque
Clay Collins

Danny and his team have built something truly special in the online business world: a place that people can go to learn, grow, and work in partnership with a company that cares as much about their success as they do.

Clay Collins